Speed Controls Survey
Circle XX has a problem with speeding.
25 mph is the Circle XX speed limit. Over the years, the Circle XX CSD has received numerous complaints of people speeding. Speeding is a danger to residents, children, pets, wild animals and property. Speeding also damages roads and contributes to accidents. Speeding issues have increased with the growth in Circle XX population. Since the Circle XX roads are public roads, both residents and visitors have been guilty of speeding.
The Circle XX CSD has been asked to look into some form of speed control tools. Some of the tools under review are: speed bumps / speed tables / speed strips / speed dots. We are checking with Calaveras County Public Works and Fire Departments to ensure that any option we may select will be safe for residents/visitors as well as emergency vehicles.
At the August 15 Board meeting a number of Circle XX residents attended and expressed their opinions on installing physical speed controls. Speed controls should call attention to speeding and slow speeding in an area. Speed controls would also affect emergency vehicles.
We would like to provide all of the Circle XX residents an opportunity to let us know if they would be in favor of trying some type of speed control device. One suggestion would be to install one on Riata Way and one on Tapadero to see if they are effective. The total cost for this plan would be limited to $6,000 from our Road Projects budget.
Another plan would be for individual residents to pay for one or two speed control devices installed under the supervision of the Road Manager.
We feel we should do something to try to address the speeding problem. We are open to other suggestions on how to slow down the speeding.
Use the survey screen below to let us know your thoughts. Thank you for your input. We will discuss the survey results at the September 19 meeting.