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Circle XX Well Water Levels

Circle XX Well Water Level 12-15-24.pdfLocal Rainfall 2001-02 2022-23 .pdfCalaveras County Map Water in Calaveras.pdfCalaveras County Map Well Yield Water Availability.pdfwellowner_guide Calaveras.pdfDisinfection of Water Well.pdf

Circle XX residents are dependent on water from their wells. Following is information on how the level of well water rises and falls during a year for most of the wells on the Circle XX.

A Circle XX resident has been recording the water levels in their well on the 1st and 15th of each month starting April 15, 2008. The data has been entered into the  above "Circle XX Well Water Levels" chart.  Other Circle XX wells will NOT have the same water levels but water levels in most wells should rise and fall in a similar pattern through the year. This well was drilled to 300 feet, with the pump set at 280 feet and it was recorded as producing 12 gallons per minute. Thanks to this neighbor for sharing their information.

So far, the highest water level was 60 feet below ground recorded in April and May.

The lowest water levels have been in September and October. If you need a new well, late September and October would be the best time to drill. If you find good water it should be good throughout the year.

Remember your well will not be exactly the same but the chart should give you an idea of what is happening to the water levels in most Circle XX wells.

See "Local Rainfall  by Calendar Year"  above to get an idea of how rainfall correlates to well water levels. The wettest month is December and the driest is July. We usually start getting good rain in November, and March is usually the last month where we have over 4 inches of rain. Rain in October seams to impact when wells start filling again after the dry summer.  Rainfall is not the only factor impacting well water levels but it is clearly a major contributor. The snow pack melting in the high Sierra's and your neighbor's use of well water may also have an impact on the water table where your well finds water.

The "Circle XX Well Water Levesl" chart shows in addition to the monthly water level readings, the highest, lowest and average water levels by month and year. "Drop" on the chart is a measure of the difference between the highest and the lowest water levels in a year. Note that 2008 does not have a full year of data so the "by Year" chart numbers are not complete for that year.

Also note, the 6.41 inches of total rainfall reported in the chart for January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 is accurate. The local area has a wide spread in annual rainfall totals. It has ranged from the low 6.41 inches in 2013, to a high of 47.45 inches  in 2010. In the chart see the 2013 water level drop after April 15, and with the 2010 good rain, see the high water level continue into 2011 where the highest water level readings were recorded.

The Nationally reported long-term average rainfall for the area is 27.84 inches.  The "Local Rainfall by Calendar Year" annual average going back to 2001-02 is 28.27.  It looks like we are close to the long-term average rainfall rate even though we have had some dry years.